
Bradley Slagh for Michigan's 85th District

Bradley Slagh can be described as a trustworthy steward. Brad has found that much of the State Representative job and therefore success is the willingness to listen, as it leads to understanding what problems can be solved and what tools there are to provide necessary change. Listening also enables the building of friendships within the House members on both sides of the aisle, providing trusted relationships for moving projects along. The values and character Brad has focused on in his time in office as a Representative and for the last 12 years as Ottawa County Treasurer and before that invested in Zeeland Township for 5 years as Supervisor continue to pay dividends today.  These experiences have enhanced his understanding that leadership means using authority to meet the needs of those under that leadership.

Brad is a graduate of Zeeland High School and Hope College where he pursued business administration and teaching. With the high school teaching market very tight after graduation, the banking industry provided a great place to put down roots, and then gain valuable experience for 18 years of his career; putting to use both his business and teaching skills. Brad even met his wife Carol at the bank in downtown Zeeland. They have been married 38 years and have 3 adult children and 3 grand children!

Brad maintains a real estate sales license for the knowledge and ongoing training it provides, and Brad and Carol have been very invested in our community through the years, with them playing an active role in these and other local or statewide organizations:


  • Michigan Association of County Treasurers
  • First Reformed Church – Zeeland
  • Michigan CLASS board of directors
  • Ottawa County Republicans – Chair and Treasurer
  • West Michigan Regional Airport Authority
  • Zeeland Chamber of Commerce – board of directors
  • Ottawa Co. Land Bank Authority – board of directors
  • Ottawa County Treasurer Association
  • Carol - Kids Hope USA-8 years
  • Carol - Board of Zeeland Public Schools-16 years
  • Carol – Ottawa Area ISD Board-20 years and still serving


As an elected official serving the people of Ottawa County for over the last 20 plus years, Brad is convinced that we will enrich our future when we keep as much decision making and handling of funds as local as possible; as local government is consistently the most responsive to the people they work for.



Paid for by Bradley Slagh for Michigan, PO Box 453, Zeeland MI 49464